Boards, Commissions and Committees
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- Boards, Commissions and Committees
About Our Boards

Our advisory boards, commissions and committees are comprised of volunteer residents dedicated to shaping the future of Del City. As advisory entities, they cannot pass ordinances, but they do make valuable recommendations on various programs, needs and services of the community to the City Council.
Involved community members can be nominated by the mayor for volunteer positions and are appointed by the City Council, and individuals who are members of civic organizations or attend city meetings are approached to take appointed positions.
Parks and Beautification Committee
The mission of the Del City Beautification Committee is to enhance the overall visual appearance of our community and the quality of life in our town.
Staff Liaison
- Cerrina Pulver
- (405) 677-5741 EXT. 7333
The committee consists of five members who serve three-year terms. One member from each Ward is nominated by the Mayor and approved by Council, with one at-large appointee nominated by the Mayor with Council approval (the Mayor’s appointment). If needed, an ex-officio member is to be appointed by the City Manager. The Chairperson is elected by a majority of the committee members and serves for one year from that date or to the end of his or her term.
Members, Term Expiration
- Cindy McTrusty
- Helen Watson, 10/01/23
- Stacie Freitas, 10/01/23
- Kristi Tasker, 06/21/24
- Cynthia Harwell, 06/21/24
- Floyd Brown (Mayor’s Appointment), 10/01/24
For more information about events or volunteer/sponsorship opportunities, contact the Parks & Beautification liaison at: (405)677-5741 Ext. 7333 / CPULVER@CITYOFDELCITY.ORG
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment serves as the Board of Appeals for all of the city’s adopted codes and various other regulations, including those related to stormwater management.
Staff Liaison
- Andrew Meyers, City Planner
- (405) 677-5741, EXT. 7312
The Board consists of five (5) members, who must be residents of the city. Board members are nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council. Each member serves a three (3) year term, except when appointed to fill a vacancy. At least two (2) members must also be members of the Planning Commission.
Members, Term Expiration
- Jason Coleman, 09/06/25
- Christy Duane, 06/06/25
- Joe Satterwhite (Chairman), 08/19/2025
- Jim Studebaker (Vice Chairman), 05/06/2026
- Rex Warlick (Secretary), 10/07/2025
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission advises the Mayor, City Council and city departments on a broad array of issues related to systematic development and betterment of the city as a place of residence and for business.
Staff Liaison
- Andrew Meyers, City Planner
- (405) 677-5741, EXT. 7312
The commission consists of nine members, who are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The commissioners hold office for staggered terms of three years. All members of the commission must reside within Del City.
Members, Term Expiration
- Terry Parker (Ward 1), 09/01/25
- Joe Satterwhite (Ward 1, Vice Chair), 09/01/24
- Joshua Schultz (Ward 2), 06/05/25
- Michelle Caruso (Ward 2, Chair), 09/01/24
- Greg Childers (Ward 3), 09/01/24
- Sam Turk (Ward 4), 09/01/24
- Wendell Kluge (Ward 4, Secretary/Treasurer), 09/01/25
- Michael Streetman (Ward 4), 12/19/25
- Richard Hutchinson (Mayor’s Appointment), 09/01/24