Annual Events
Our Annual Events
Del City welcomes you to attend one of our annual events!

Armed Forces Day Parade
The annual Armed Forces Day Parade is always a morning of family fun in celebration of the men and women of our Armed Forces with bands, floats, military apparatuses and much more!

Veterans Day Ceremony
Every year on November the eleventh, Del City hosts an annual Veterans Day Ceremony to honor veterans who have sacrificed so much for their country. As the site of several veterans’ memorials and monuments, the ceremony is held each year in Patriot Park at 4505 S.E. 15th Street (the east lawn of the Del City Community Center).

Tree Lighting Ceremony
Our Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony is a festive night of music, treats, and holiday cheer with a special visit from Santa himself! A beloved community tradition, this is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season with family and friends.